your fiber
Nutrition Program: Week 5
Know how you can get fuller with less calories? Get more vegetation in your diet! That means more colorful fruits and vegetables! Not only is it good for your waistline, your body gets the vitamins and antioxidants it needs! Answer all questions in Journal Space provided at the bottom of this page.
earn points this week
1 pt. per submission
2 points
5 point
total points possible:7
Click Here to watch Dr. Oz explain what you should know about fiber!
1. How many grams of fiber should the average person consume per day?
2. What is the main difference between soluble and insoluble fiber?
3. Why should you not get most of your fiber from pre-packaged foods?
Read The Weight Is Over p. 52-55
1. What are two ways stress can contribute to weight gain?
2. Can you relate to "Briana"? Why or why not?
DAY 2-6
Grains: Oatmeal, Shredded Wheat cereal, All Bran cereal, Whole Wheat Bread
Fruits and Veggies: Spinach, Broccoli, Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Pears, Apples, Avocados, Bananas
Other: Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Almonds, Low Salt, Natural Flavored Popcorn
1. Include a serving of one high fiber item, from the list above, with each meal!
Here are a few suggestions:
Breakfast: Bowl of oatmeal with chopped fruit OR 2 scrambled eggs with a slice of whole wheat toast!
Lunch: Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread OR eat an Apple with your salad!
Dinner: Try a 1/2 cup of Brown Rice with Black Beans OR Steamed Broccoli seasoned with garlic and pepper! Enjoy these fibrous side dishes with chicken, or ground turkey!
Use my suggestions above or explore the links below for more ideas
Smashed Avocado Toast with Veggies (click for recipe)
Veggie Breakfast Tacos (click for recipe)
Veggie Smoothie (click for recipe)
2. Stay away from fried foods, frozen microwave dinners, pizza, and eating take out food. We want to keep food moving and being absorbed freely through our intestinal tract during this phase. These items can slow things down...and we don't want that!
3. Exercise daily. You should be exercising at least 4 days per week. Your transformation will happen faster if you burn calories through exercise while making these dietary changes. Depending on your lifestyle and ability choose to exercise for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or a full hour! You can even do 10 minutes early in the day and 10 minutes later that same evening. It's also okay if you have to use a different exercise option everyday...as long as you consistently get moving! If you need exercise suggestions, please tell me in your journal.
4. Allow yourself a cheat meal on the weekend! Notice I said "cheat meal" not "cheat day". Pick one meal/type of food that you've been denying yourself in order to stay on track this week. Enjoy it as you celebrate your progress!
5. Social Media Post: Post an Instagram Photo/Video of a high fiber food you are eating this week along with how many grams of fiber per serving! Be sure to tag me @stanpfitness
Journal about your experience!
1. Were there any challenging/rewarding moments during this leg of the journey?
2. Did you learn or try anything new?
Conference Call: 7:30 p.m. EST
Dial (605) 475 4700 and use Participant Code: 473058