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30 Day Jumpstart Program 


Your focus this week 4:

  • CONTINUE tracking what you eat with a food journal
  • CONTINUE eating and exercising on the schedule you set 
  • CONTINUE eating only foods on The Acceptable Food List 
  • ELIMINATE bread and INCREASE your water intake

DAY 1-5


1. Drink 64 - 128 oz. of water per day!  That's no less than a half gallon and no more than a gallon.  Consider your lifestyle and which way is best to measure your water intake daily.  Furthermore you need to consider if you're going to carry a gallon or a water bottle throughout the day. Do whatever suits you prepared to use the bathroom a bit more than usual!

2. Cut out bread completely. 

DAY 5-6


Read The Weight is Over p. 79-89


1. Nikquisa begins this chapter: "My weight loss process...was full of ups and downs".  What highs and lows did she mention in this book?   


2. Reflect on your own 30 day process as you Take the Week Four Fitness Assessment.  

After taking this Assessment, briefly journal about any developments you have seen in the following areas:

a) Physical (changes in how your body looks and functions)

b) Mental (changes in what you understand and how you think)

c) Emotional (changes in how you feel)

Click to Answer Now!



Congratulations on Completing The Jumpstart Weight Loss Program!

1. Send me a review of your experience in my 30 Day Program!

2. Please post something you've accomplished or feel really good about in The Facebook Group.  

3. Refer a friend who could benefit from Jumpstart.

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